
Posts Tagged ‘pitta’

Offal. I bloody love the stuff. It’s underused, and unfortunately too many people turn their nose up at it. I’m all for the eat every last scrap way of life, not wasting a little bit. It’s got loads of flavour, and best of all… IT’S DIRT CHEAP!! You can pick up sliced lambs liver for less than £1 from a supermarket, and in the case of this recipe, you can get a few lambs hearts for £1.50 in a supermarket, or, speak to your local butcher a few days beforehand, and ask them to get some hearts in for you.

Where was I?… oh, yeah… the recipe, I’ll get right on that.

Lebanese Lemon Lambs Heart

(Serves 2 as a snack/starter, or 1 as a main meal)


  • 3 lamb hearts
  • Juice and zest of one lemon
  • 5/6 cloves of garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Pitta Bread


  1. Chop the lamb hearts into small pieces, discarding the tough bits (Look, I never paid attention in biology, and when it came to the lesson where everyone cut up lamb hearts, I was going through a vegetarian period, which lasted about 6 days, so I can’t remember what they’re called!), and put in a bowl.
  2. Add the zest and juice of one lemon to the heart, and a good glug of olive oil, enough to coat the chunks of heart.
  3. Crush all but one of the garlic cloves and add to the meat, along with a good crack of salt and pepper.
  4. Leave to marinade for AT LEAST 2 hours in the fridge.
  5. Throw lamb heart into a very hot frying pan, with a finely chopped/minced clove of garlic, and sautee for about 5 minutes.
  6. Whilst cooking heart, toast a pitta bread.
  7. Slice pitta bread, and spoon lemony heart inside.
  8. Enjoy with a nice glass of red wine.

I suggest you serve this meal to the one you love, what’s more romantic than eating a lambs heart?

Go,… cook!!


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